In The Empty Mountains
by Robert W. King
A stunning new collection from Bob King who has previously published 2 books and five chapbooks of poetry. Like Han Shan wandering the high country of Colorado, these poems reveal the joys, pains, and insights of a man long on the wisdom road. He sees daily occurrences from a very broad perspective, that leads to humility that cannot hide.
Excerpt from In The Empty Mountains:
Up a Gulch
Today, another history:
the small sacred circle
of a rusted cattle-tank
stranded in a dry stream bed,
a juniper rising from its center.
Trees know when history begins,
are always sprouting up fresh
from the tumble of a church door,
roots in the bed of a grave
or the rich bottom of the privy.
Think of the brambles and fruit
spreading in the concrete baskets
of cellars, their familiar houses
having passed away. Whatever
we leave empty will be filled.