Adam Tedesco

Adam Tedesco is a founding editor of REALITY BEACH, a journal of new poetics. His poetry and essays have appeared in Entropy, Gramma Weekly, Funhouse, Fanzine, Fence, Cosmonauts Avenue, Laurel Review, Powder Keg, and elsewhere. He is the author of MARY OLIVER (Lithic Press, 2019), which is no longer for sale at the request of The Estate of Mary Oliver, as well as the chapbooks HEART SUTRA (Reality Beach, 2016), ABLAZA (Lithic Press, 2017), ASO 8016:2004 (Really Serious Literature, 2018), and Misrule (Ursus Americanus, 2019).
Tags: Adam Tedesco, , Heart Sutra, , Reality Beach, , ABLAZA, , Drunk In A Midnight Choir,